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Orthotic and Orthopaedic Footwear Experts

From the PAC Blog
Foot Tips for Halloween
Trick or treat, let’s take care of our feet! Halloween is an exciting time for all ages. It’s a time to dress up, let loose, and enjoy some goodies. Below are a few tricks to ensure that your feet feel like a “treat” during your Halloween outings! [...]
Developing a flat foot as an adult (Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction)
Adult acquired flatfoot is a foot and ankle condition that affects adults. It can be a debilitating condition that can be treated non-surgically with braces, orthotics and other devices. What is adult acquired flatfoot? Adult acquired flatfoot is a very common condition that [...]
Foot Pain Is Optional
I believe foot pain is largely optional! This may seem like an unusual and unfair statement to make, particularly as I spend my days counselling and treating patients who are suffering from foot pain so let me explain. Foot pain can be very severe [...]