Custom-Made Foot Orthotics
Definition of Custom-Made Foot Orthotics
Custom-made foot orthoses (orthotics) are medical insoles worn inside footwear. They are designed and manufactured based on a specific individual’s feet and footwear in order to address a need determined during a clinical assessment by a qualified footcare professional.
What is an Orthotic?
A foot orthotic is a device that can be discreetly inserted into the shoe to support, align, prevent, and/or accommodate foot abnormalities and improve how the foot functions. For more information on what an orthotic is, view this post!

Whose feet are developing.

Who spend hours on their feet and often suffer from foot and leg discomfort (they may be unaware it’s caused by improper footwear)

As studies have shown that improper footwear is one of the leading causes of falls
91% of surveyed Canadian Certified Pedorthist patients report reduction in pain after wearing their custom-made foot orthotics for 6 weeks.
Custom orthotics can also help provide relief for foot pain, lower limb pain as well as complications related to many other health conditions. Schedule an appointment with a Canadian Certified Pedorthist for a pedorthic assessment for more information about how custom made foot orthotics may benefit you.
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