Canadian Certified Pedorthists are
Orthotic and Orthopaedic Footwear Experts

From the PAC Blog
What to Expect From Your Pedorthic Assessment
For your first appointment with a Canadian Certified Pedorthist, there are a fewthings you need to bring: A prescription from your doctor for foot orthotics A pair of your most often worn footwear. By looking at the wear pattern at the top, bottom and [...]
How long does it take to get used to orthotics?
Every day I see individuals with a wide range of conditions, from very simple and straightforward to very complicated, involving a wide scope of medical practitioners. I also see patients who have never had orthotics to individuals who are being assessed for their tenth [...]
What happens to your feet as you get older?
Have your feet grown as you get older? Your feet can change in shoe size, but the structures haven’t grown. As we age, numerous changes happen to our bodies our hair goes grey, or just goes. We slow down a little with the years. [...]