Canadian Certified Pedorthists are
Orthotic and Orthopaedic Footwear Experts

From the PAC Blog
How to find the Best Shoes for Hiking
Finding the best shoes for hiking will depend on a number of questions that will need to be answered and determined. The place you plan to hike, the terrain, the time of year (spring, summer etc.), a short hike (casual stroll) and/or multi-day hike [...]
How a Pedorthist can help with ankle arthritis
Ankle arthritis is a significant issue that people have. This condition is not as common as some other issues, but it makes up for the pain that comes from it. If you have the right kind, it bothers you twice during your walking stride [...]
What teachers should know about their feet before going back to school
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. (At least for some) This article is for those who will now be going back to school, namely, our educators. It’s time to educate themselves about their feet. Standing for long periods or generally being on [...]