Influencer Presentations – ZOOM Webinars

Looking to help your Kin students find their footing career-wise after grad? Join us for one of three insightful, live 30-minute Zoom webinars to learn more about Pedorthics as a rewarding career for your Kin students.

Discover from Canadian Certified Pedorthists how a career in Pedorthics can be beneficial to your Kinesiology students and why they should pursue this career option and how.

Hear real-world examples from Canadian Certified Pedorthists who are recent grads and enjoying their new career path and why. Discover what a typical day in the life of a Pedorthist is like and why it’s a natural career move for Kinesiology grads.

Presented by the Pedorthic Association of Canada (PAC) in collaboration with the Pedorthic Advancement Task Force (PATF).